Emergency room doctors and nurses by now have detailed training and state of the art equipment allowing them to swiftly make the right diagnosis.
But modern training and equipment are useless when rules of diagnosis are not followed, or when equipment isn't used, or when test results are ignored.
This is emergency room medical malpractice.
Emergency Room Medical Malpractice Cases
At Polewski & Associates, many of the cases we’ve handled involve negligence of doctors or nurses in an emergency room. We’ve seen clients who lost a child or a father because of delays in treatment, patients hurt and killed by administration of the wrong drug, and people who died because doctors and nurses thought they were "fakers". Cases like fathers having a heart attack who were diagnosed with "indigestion", and young men who became paralyzed because nurses in an emergency department thought they were lying just to get some drugs. We've seen cases where people were hurt or died because emergency room doctors or nurses sent them home without medical care, or because doctors didn't listen when the patient and their family told what was going on.
Many Cases, One Cause
All of these cases had one thing in common. Doctors and nurses weren’t paying attention, and they weren’t following safety rules they had been trained to follow.
Making Things Better
Your lawsuit is about fairness. Doctors have insurance to compensate patients hurt by their mistakes, just as drivers have insurance to compensate people injured by driving mistakes. It is only fair that your family get compensation for their harms and losses.
Your lawsuit is also about protecting other people in your community. When our clients stand up and say "this can't happen again", they may save a life that otherwise would be lost.
We're proud to have represented so many clients who insisted on justice and safety.
We'd be proud to represent you, too.
Contact Us Today
If you or a loved one has been injured or killed due to emergency room negligence, there is help. Call Polewski & Associates today at 501-404-0062.